I adhere to the IAC's Code of Ethics and Principles.
These genuine testimonies appear here with written permission. My clients confidentiality and anonymity remain protected.
"Hilary has helped me enormously with some huge challenges - in both my personal and professional life. Specifically helping me understand and investigate the factors involved when I have felt 'stuck', and with a real focus on helping me move forwards. She has given me genuinely helpful strategies that I feel I can apply to all aspects of my life and I have seen and felt the benefits of these in all of my relationships."
"I honestly can’t recommend coaching highly enough. It’s now so clear to me that anyone who wants to be successful at anything at all needs to learn from someone – why did I think my work or personal life would be any different! For me, coaching genuinely transformed my performance at work and therefore my fulfilment in life more generally. I’m deeply grateful to Hilary for her patience, grace and sensitivity."
"Hilary has been brilliant. She has given me tools and strategies for dealing with the pressures of work and life.
Hilary is calm, collected and an amazing ear to bend. She leads you through the exploration of your life and life purpose with an expert guiding hand, allowing you to find things out about yourself you never knew and to move forward with your life with renewed purpose.".
"Hilary has given me some tremendous tools to help move me forward past certain issues that I never thought I could deal with. Her approach is empathetic, supportive and non-judgemental, which makes the whole process much less daunting. I have a lot to thank her for and cannot recommend her enough!"
"The empathy, wisdom and insight Hilary has shown me is second to none which makes working with her incredibly easy and comfortable."
"As a result of working with Hilary I feel I have challenged and overcome some lifelong patterns of behaviour that have held me back, and I now have a toolbox full of options and strategies that allow me to make better decisions, that deliver better results"
"Well, what can I say! The Universe conspired to bring this wonderful woman closer into my life and I am so very grateful. Her love and listening, encouragement and support pours through the ether, and that alone is beautiful to experience. I came away from every session feeling heard and held. Combine that with her spot on intuitive perception, her gentle humour, and a whole workshop of tools, and you’ve got a recipe for changed lives. I know mine has changed for having worked with Hilary. I have found the vision for my life that fills my belly with fire. Fire to change the world in my own way, plus I have clarified so many other parts of me that will serve me well in bringing my vision into existence.
Working with Hilary has been a blessing that I looked forward to every time. If you’re reading this, and wondering if Life Coaching is for you; well, maybe it’s the universe conspiring to help you too...."
“When I was first introduced to life coaching, it was for a small specific little dilemma of mine that felt almost too insignificant but, as early as the first sessions started with Hilary, it became apparent that there were some issues that had cluttered my mind and needed to be attended to in order for me to get un-stuck.
I had the most rewarding sessions with Hilary as our conversations progressed, always looking forward to our weekly encounters. With her supportive, compassionate expertise, she was not only able to get me focused and help me overcome my obstacles, but she also helped bring to life clarity, light heartedness and creativity.
Hilary’s warmth, guidance and dedication energised me. I am full of admiration for the way she found all the right caring attributes to help me believe in myself and restored some ‘ lost along the way’ self-confidence. I carried on applying some of the learned strategies in my daily routines and I am forever grateful.”
"I took Hilary's 5 week 'Unlock Your Gold' coaching programme. In our coaching sessions Hilary enabled me to focus with a greater sense of purpose and clarity during a time of tumultuous change in my life. She gave me some fabulous tools to address lifelong patterns of self-deprecation, self-criticism and no boundaries. Hilary's skills freed me to live by my values and unique gifts. I loved working with her and learned much; lots of post-it-notes adorn my private space to ensure I continue on my journey to greater consciousness and self-awareness. Watch this space! "
"I decided to invest in some Life Coaching at a time in my life when everything just felt like too much and I didn’t know which way to turn. I didn’t feel I was coping and I wanted to change things that weren’t working for me. Part of me was thinking this doesn’t make sense to add another thing to my ‘TO DO’ list and yet after I started, I knew it was what I needed! Talking to Hilary was just fantastic. She was so supportive and our conversations were so enlightening. I really looked forward to our calls every couple of weeks and I was always surprised and grateful at the end of them for the gem I’d unearthed with her guidance. I can also honestly say that without Hilary’s Coaching Calls I wouldn’t be in the position I am now. I reached out to a friend and from a conversation, which would never have happened had I listened to my self-limiting beliefs, I found a new home in a beautiful area which I am so excited to be moving to. This and so many other things fell in to place as a result of the Life Coaching I received. I cannot say it enough, Hilary’s coaching was invaluable, heartfelt and a true gift to myself. Thank you Hilary".
"I've been receiving Life Coaching from Hilary for over a year now and I can genuinely say I have found the experience redefining. I came across her unexpectedly, but fortuitously, at exactly the right moment in my life. I was in a difficult place and really struggling to find answers to fairly some fundamental questions I was facing. So how am I now after Life Coaching? Well, mentally, physically and spiritually speaking I'm in a place that I haven't been in before. I feel firmly grounded, I have clarity and I'm learning to consciously draw on my intuition and wisdom. I'm in a position of strength, feeling gratitude and calm. I feel optimistic yet realistic about what is ahead of me. In a nutshell, I've found and been utterly transformed into being, what I can only describe as, my authentic self. It feels great and I feel very blessed. Thank you Hilary, I'm eternally grateful to you."